CATCH of the DAY – Complimentary Webinar Workshops

Welcome! We have completed our series of 20 free webinar workshops taught throughout the Spring. Thanks to your feedback and admirable thirst for learning, we’re starting the series again and keeping it free for another round. Twice per month, we’ll post a new recording as we go from #1 to #20.

Feel free to share any feedback via email (, which is always appreciated. Please understand we will not be able to respond to topical questions as these webinars are available to a very large audience and we would be overwhelmed.

All right, let’s get started!


We have completed a series of 20 free online workshops. Recordings will be here for you (above) for a limited time.

Dog Lovers and Aspiring Trainers:

Watch the webinar workshops to build your knowledge in dog training and behavior. Lessons are taught by David Muriello and the CATCH Team of pro dog trainers.

WHEN: Recordings shown above will be updated twice per month. Recordings will be available for a limited time so take advantage of the opportunity!

WHAT: 30-60 minute webinar workshops packed with knowledge and skill building, compliments of CATCH. We’ll be teaching in a variety of ways! For example, there will be traditional slides to highlight key concepts and terminology but we’ll also be watching training videos and breaking down the methods or explaining dog body language and behavior as we watch dogs interact.

RELATED OFFERING: You may also be interested in Casework with CATCH.

Read Our Student Testimonials

See an Overview of the CATCH Curriculum

CATCH Canine Trainers Academy Office Headquarters
24 Newark Pompton Turnpike Suite 206, Little Falls, NJ.
Phone: 877-752-2824