Find a great dog trainer here! The CATCH community of dog trainers have demonstrated a commitment to their education, use positive reinforcement methods with the dogs they train (Our Philosophy), and are dedicated to excellent customer service with pet owners (part of our 7 Guiding Principles).

Search below to find trainers across the U.S.A. and Canada.



Joanne Ometz

Durham, North Carolina
Joanne The Dog Lady

Liz Turpin

5922 US-70 BUS Durham, North Carolina
Whole Dog Institute

Jennifer Thornburg

Durham, North Carolina
Good Human Dog Training

Jane Marshall

Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Cheery Dogs Dog Training

We are inspired daily by the work of the trainers that make up our national community. We have found it very rare for a trainer listed in our directory to misrepresent themselves. However, if you have interacted with a trainer listed here and find that their methods or credentials do not reflect the CATCH methods of positive-reinforcement training and the Least Invasive Minimally Aversive principle, please contact us at with the information. Thank you.

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CATCH Canine Trainers Academy Office Headquarters
24 Newark Pompton Turnpike Suite 206, Little Falls, NJ.
Phone: 877-752-2824