Quick Hands-On Evaluations
As a trainer, when you work with a dog for the first time, there are some key pieces of information that you want to get “directly from the dog”. It’s like an interview where you’re “asking” the dog questions, but it’s not literally asking, it’s keenly observing the dog’s responses during your interaction.
For example: What motivates this dog? How focused is he? What gets his attention? Does he respond to his name? How social is he? Any fears? Any software already installed (basic obedience behaviors)?
Join David Muriello, CATCH School Director, as he meets a local shelter dog, Hunter, for the first time. David will tell you the key observations he makes about Hunter’s behavior as he “auditions” food, toys, and obedience cues to gauge Hunter’s response. Doing a quick hands-on evaluation like this will give you valuable insight on where to start and how to set proper expectations whenever you begin training a new student.
Check back often for more great CATCH Training Tips!
Learn more about dog behavior and training! If you’re as fascinated by animals as we are, CATCH courses will fulfill your desire to immerse yourself in dogs and study professional training techniques. We go into basic obedience and beyond: interpreting and communicating canine behavior, solving behavior problems, and more. Our students turn their passion for dogs into newfound skills and dream careers. Get in touch to learn more!