Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Angelina Myers of Willowbrook, Illinois. At the time of this posting, Angelina has just graduated the CATCH Master Class and is now a CCDT – congratulations!
A Word from Angelina
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:
My favorite topics of study were body language, vocalizations and learning theory. Learning these topics was enlightening and really improved my understanding of canine behavior.
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
My favorite hands on activity was observing how my actions impacted the behavior of a dog I was working with. I found it fascinating how changing my angle of approach or avoiding direct eye contact greatly improved my interaction with the dog, especially if the dog was showing signs of stress or fear.
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
My learning experiences have taught me to truly respect and appreciate dogs and all that they can tell us if we just pay attention. They are amazing creatures, and much more complex than we give them credit for. Each dog is unique and we must treat them as such.
What I’m Most Excited About:
Everyone at CATCH is professional and helpful. It is clear they are passionate about what they do and want all of their students to succeed. The CATCH curriculum is well rounded and thorough. I’m so glad I decided to participate in the program!
Way to go, Angelina, we’re so proud of you!