Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Daniel Cahue of Boise, Idaho. At the time of this posting, Daniel has just graduated the Master Class and earned his CATCH Certified Dog Trainer (CCDT) certification. We are so excited to see him making a difference in the dog training world!
A Word from Daniel

Daniel keeps training fun for the dogs at daycare!
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:
I love learning everything about dogs, so picking my favorite subjects is super hard! The two that I loved reading more about, even past the study guide, are definitely behavior modification and puppy socialization. Behavior modification led me into an exciting world of studies into dogs that deal with trauma and the complex research into the possibility of dogs being genetically resistant to trauma. I think the reason that section took me the longest was because I got so distracted by all the other topics it branched off from that I forgot to request my exam! And, of course, puppy socialization was interesting to learn about, but when I got to meet with my mentor, Allison Ashey, and assisted in a puppy class, I was won over by how caring and eager the clients were in their puppy’s training.
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
When I started learning how to be a dog trainer, I thought to be the best you had to read the dog almost instantly and know them the minute you looked at them, because then you would have the dog do everything from back flips to making breakfast. What I didn’t take into account was the fact that I would also have to teach other people on how to train their dog. Now I may be good with dogs, but every hands-on activity that had me transfer the training that I had taught to another person or made me explain aloud how to get a certain behavior out of a dog made me feel quite inept. I loved it. It made me rethink my whole stance of what it meant to be a dog trainer and I knew with each time I practiced I would only get better!

Taking a well-deserved break for a photo op.
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
Working at a dog daycare, I have met many dogs with many different personalities as well as pet parents with the same diverse eccentricities. I honestly thought I knew dogs really well. Once I started my schooling, I became well aware I was maybe half right (and that’s being generous). I became more aware of my body posture, my handling, but most importantly I began to see more and more from a dog’s point of view. I now think to myself, “What is around this dog? If I were this wide/tall how would everything look to me? If I were approached by myself right now how would it make me react?” while interacting with dogs that might seem stressed or nervous. Having this training also allows me to help my coworkers to understand what may be happening with a dog. An example being, “Why does this dog always jump on me, but not you?” I can help explain to them why and how to avoid being jumped by some excited dogs.
What I’m Most Excited About:
I have to commend my program advisor, Samantha, and my mentor, Allison! They are very well versed and are some of the nicest people I have ever met. It made the transition into the dog training world so accommodating that I was able to find my confidence fast. Even when I was discouraged, they were there to help me back up and get running again. I appreciate you guys so much!
Way to go, Daniel, we’re so proud of you!