Featured Student

Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.

That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.

Our Featured Student this month is Maribel Torres of Williamsville, New York. At the time of this posting, Maribel has just graduated the Master Class as a CATCH Certified Dog Trainer! Congratulations!

A Word from Maribel

Maribel and her two dogs, Iyla and Lexi, exploring Niagara Falls!

My Favorite Recent Study Topics:

(1) The dog developmental stages from puppyhood to adulthood. (2) The safe and effective handling of dogs for shelters, day cares, and training situations. (3) The behavior problem solving.

My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:

The attention, which is the basis of the good manners and training.

How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:

Prior to this learning experience, I assumed the reason for a dog’s behavior was based on human emotions. After this learning experience, I can read my dog’s body language and expressions, which helps tremendously to avoid situations, or to get them what they need. It is unbelievable how much they can communicate. When I see other dogs, I feel many owners misunderstand the reason why their dogs are behaving or reacting in a certain way. The reactions of the owners often times result in a negative effect, and exacerbates the behavioral issue, just like I did before I took this course.

Here, Maribel is instructing students at Karate Ken’s in Lockport, NY alongside her dog, Iyla. In this image, they are working on their warm ups, where Iyla performs ‘down’, ‘sit’, and ‘high-five’ as the students ‘push-up’, ‘squat’, and ‘jump’. Maribel teaches Kenpo Karate, Judo, and Jujitsu.

What I’m Most Excited About:

The opportunity to have a dedicated Student Support team available to resolve any issue, to give feedback and show that they care for my success, is keeping me engaged and so motivated to do my best. Also, pairing me with a great mentor had helped me understand what I’ve learned tremendously. I totally love and appreciate all of you!

Way to go, Maribel, we’re so proud of you!

Read Our Dog Trainer Success Stories

CATCH Canine Trainers Academy Office Headquarters
24 Newark Pompton Turnpike Suite 206, Little Falls, NJ.
Phone: 877-752-2824