Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Dani Pedraza of Chicago, Illinois. At the time of this posting, Dani is studying Phase 9 of the Master Class and is doing an amazing job with her studies!
A Word from Dani

High-fives for Dani and her student dog, Brooks!
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:
My favorite topics of study so far have been Basic & Advanced Obedience Skills, Behavior Basics, and Learning How to Lead Your Own Private Lessons.
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
My favorite hands-on activity so far has been “Become Aware of How Your Body Language Affects Dogs” in Phase 2. It’s incredible to learn how much we communicate with dogs without even realizing it and how smart they are in picking up our cues from our behavior/emotions. It was fascinating to experiment with this hands on activity with my own dog and learn that my body language is even capable of providing calming signals when he is experiencing a stressed situation.
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
Since becoming a CATCH student I am hyper aware of dog body language. I feel that I now am able to better understand and communicate with the dogs I am in contact with on a daily basis. Through my studies I have gained insight and knowledge on how to interpret these signals and what their intentions may be. This allows me to effectively communicate with my own dog and better understand his needs on a daily basis. It has helped me determine when he is in an uncomfortable situation, afraid of something, or really excited! I might have easily misinterpreted these as something else and might not have provided the appropriate solution. I have even been able to enlighten a couple dog owners in our building’s dog run and assure them that their dog isn’t expressing “aggressive” behaviors while playing. Studying dog behavior has allowed me to see the reality of the situation instead of assuming what the dog is doing. Being a student of CATCH has really opened my eyes to how dogs communicate!

Table for 2? Dani has done a wonderful job ensuring Brooks is properly socialized.
What I’m Most Excited About:
My studies with CATCH have made me a better dog mom and best friend to animals. I feel more confident with running my dog walking service because I am able to provide my team of dog walkers the knowledge and guidance that will allow them to communicate with a dog in a positive and safe manner. I believe that my time as a CATCH student has increased my passion and motivation to help create a better life for dogs and their humans. Thank you, CATCH!
Way to go, Dani, we’re so proud of you!