Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Amy Roberts of Hernando, FL. At the time of this posting, Amy has already graduated the Master Class and is a CATCH Certified Dog Trainer (CCDT)!
A Word from Amy
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:

Amy and her student dogs! They make a wonderful team.
When asked about my favorite study topics throughout the Master Class, I had to sit back and think about them. In honesty, the entire course was my favorite. What truly has helped me see dogs in a different light would be the following topics: Fear, aggression, and the factors that increase and decrease difficulty in behavior modification. The information has helped me understand from a different perspective and allowed me to truly advocate for these dogs and their owners about how they face these challenges.
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
My favorite hands-on activity had to be “Become aware of how your body language affects dogs.” This activity set the tone of how I acted around not just my dogs but all the dogs I came into contact with. Understanding a dog’s body language and how mine affects them together was such a powerful learning experience.
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
This learning experience has affected how I look at all dogs, not just my own. A few things that stick with me daily are the following: Not all behavior is undesirable, and it is not up to me to say if it is or isn’t. It is up to me only within my house and with my dogs. Seeing and knowing how to help with all training needs if requested is such a beautiful gift! I have found that this experience has allowed me to remain neutral with all dogs and see them each for who they are as individuals. No two are the same; I would never request them to be. It has also taught me to advocate for dogs, in which I have become highly well-versed.

Amy and Dug practicing a duck toss in the woods.
What I’m Most Excited About:
There were times during the program when I took my program director (Morgan) down little rabbit holes of “what if” and “help me understand this.” Sometimes I couldn’t see past my viewpoint, and I knew there was another side; that’s when Morgan came in and explained what I needed to understand from a different perspective. Never did she let me feel alone in my studies. She reached out to make sure I was doing ok, had any questions, or needed to set up a call for clarity. My studies exceeded expectations and filled me with spectacular knowledge. Still, CATCH went above and beyond and gave me Morgan (And others who answered emails if Morgan couldn’t. All fantastic people!) That little bonus put the icing on the cake. To have an entire support team behind you and pushing you to do what you love genuinely was magical. It is like an extended family who will happily talk dogs with you until your heart is content. Since graduation, I have been steadily working on training plans, including a Positive Reinforcement Duck Dog for beginners class, preparing many activities for my fellow dog owners and their dogs, and something special for reactive dogs. Thank you, CATCH, and everyone who helped me on my journey; you changed my life and every dog around me for the better.
Way to go, Amy, we’re so proud of you!