Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Jodi Potter of Metuchen, NJ. At the time of this posting, Jodi has just graduated with Distinction from the Master Class and earned her CCDT certification title!
A Word from Jodi

Cleo (left) inspired Jodi’s transition into training: “Cleo came to us with a long list of fears and reactivity issues. She is both my greatest challenge and my greatest teacher.” Dolly (right) has been named the best “cuddler” in the house: “Even from the first day we took her home, it felt like she’d been with us forever. There is something mystical and wild about her.”
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:
My favorite topics of study were Decoding Body Language, How Dogs Think and Learn and Behavior Problem Solving.
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
My favorite hands-on activity was Seeing Subtle Signs in Greetings.
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
My learning experiences have definitely affected the way I look at my dogs and others. It has made me more aware of my human need to direct and control, and I am now able to take a step back and watch, listen and observe. I am also more aware of how my body language and tone of voice can help communicate more clearly to the dogs.
What I’m Most Excited About:
I love how the CATCH program was challenging yet supportive. My advisor, Megan, always made time to answer my questions and help me if I needed it. My mentor, Julie, was incredible and has taught me so much. I am currently assisting in the training center at St. Hubert’s in Madison, NJ twice a week where I continue to learn from knowledgeable senior trainers. Signing up with CATCH was one of the best decisions I could have made on my dog training journey!
Way to go, Jodi, we’re so proud of you!