Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Kathy Derry of Asbury Park, New Jersey. At the time of this posting, Kathy has just graduated the Master Class! Congratulations, Kathy!
A Word from Kathy

Kathy currently works as a Manager at the MCSPCA (The Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), whose mission is to ‘protect, care and advocate for all animals’.
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:
Favorite topics of study came from:
• Phase 2, “Understanding Behavior, Body Language and Vocalizations”
• Phase 3, “How Dogs Think and Learn”
• Phase 7, “Behavior Problem Solving” (This is where I struggled, and grew most, with the help of my mentor.)
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
Two that I use on a daily basis at work are:
• “Greeting Behaviors”, which helps with conducting dog/dog meets and play groups.
• “Evaluating Dog Behaviors”, which offers me the understanding needed when reading body language, and what the dog is saying in the moment that I’m evaluating them.

At the MCSPCA, Kathy also specializes in ‘Canine Behavior’ and ‘Canine Adoption’.
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
Throughout this learning process, I have grown to appreciate, respect and understand dog language better. Learning how they communicate with each other and us, and how to best train them in a positively-reinforced way, allows me to have better bonds with them. It also offers the opportunity to help them grow and learn, and to train others to do the same with their own dogs.
What I’m Most Excited About:
All of the reading materials that coincide with Phase learning are great resources. I will continue to carry these lessons with me and refer to them as well. Thank you for a great program, I’m proud to be CATCH Certified.
Way to go, Kathy, we’re so proud of you!