Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Kimbely Duval of Goffstown, New Hampshire. At the time of this posting, Kim has just graduated the Master Class and earned her CATCH Certified Dog Trainer (CCDT) certification. We are so excited to see her making a difference in the dog training world!
A Word from Kim

Kim with one of the many puppies she has rescued through her organization.
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:
My absolute favorite topics of study have been Understanding Behavior, Body Language and Vocalizations. As president of a small New Hampshire based dog rescue, I deal with new dogs on a daily basis. Dogs that are stressed and terrified, dogs that have never been taught basic manners, and dogs that may not have been socialized properly. Being able to read their body language has been a huge help in working with these pups. Learning to observe rather than interpret is an amazing skill. With the help of this program, I have been able to master that.
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
I was lucky enough to be paired with an amazing mentor in my area. We both believe in the positive reinforcement ways of working with dogs. The work I’ve been able to do with my mentor is, by far, my favorite part of the hands-on activities with CATCH. Being able to observe and participate in real training classes was so fun and the amount I learned still amazes me now. I loved it so much, I actually took several of her classes with one of my own dogs.

Such great focus from her student dog, Toby!
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
Everything this program has taught me has really changed the way I view every dog I see or interact with. I have a better understanding of my own dogs, the way they learn, and the way they interact with other dogs we meet. My own dogs are happier with the abundance of rewards they get just for doing simple tasks I ask them to. It’s made learning new things FUN for all of us! I’m also able to do a better job of helping our rescue dogs find the right homes. Working with families to teach their new pups the skills to be successful members of their new families.
A Note From Kim’s Mentor:
Kim’s instructional skills are excellent. She is clear with explanations and demonstrations, and she is able to think on her feet when a client asks unexpected questions. Kim demonstrates clear understanding of behaviors and connection with her dog. I am thrilled that Kim will be in Southern New Hampshire helping dogs and their people!
Way to go, Kim, we’re so proud of you!