Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Kristina Nunes of Whiteman AFB, Missouri. At the time of this posting, Kristina has just graduated with Distinction from the Master Class and earned her CCDT certification title!
A Word from Kristina

Kristina holds a training session with her dogs: Tiny, Niza, and Turbo.
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:
The entire program is absolutely amazing. It’s so much fun to learn everything but my three favorite studies are:
• Phase 2- Understanding Dog Behavior, Body Language and Vocalization.
• Phase 4- Hands-on Training Basic and Advanced Obedience Skills
• Phase 7- Behavior Problem Solving
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
My favorite hands-on activity was to observe Greeting Behaviors on- and off-leash. I also really enjoyed observing play behaviors to recognize Metasignals. Overall, it has been great to be able to use my new knowledge to train my own dogs at home.
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
Before I started the Master Class Program, I didn’t realize how often dogs communicate with us and other dogs. I have learned so much about their communication signals and it has helped me to really understand dogs and how to communicate with them. I see them more as the individual they are, with all their behaviors and moods. I’m thankful for CATCH that I’m able to use my knowledge now to teach people how to train and communicate with their dogs to build a strong bond between them.

Kristina’s reason for wanting to pursue dog training was her relationship with her dog, Niza. Niza is a rescue from Spain, who was Kristina’s very first behavior case. On their time together, Kristina states that, “the progress she had made every week was absolutely amazing and extremely fulfilling to see. I loved every single minute of our training together.”
What I’m Most Excited About:
There are a lot of dog trainer schools out there, and I was overwhelmed in choosing the right school. But then I found CATCH. It’s self -paced, with a mentor on your side, hands-on activities, and the overall program covers everything from puppy development and obedience training to behavior solutions and how to successfully build your career. I knew that CATCH would be the best choice for me. Everyone at CATCH is super friendly, helpful and professional. Working with my Program Director was fun and she taught me a lot during my studies. I have gained a great knowledge of dog training and dog behaviors and I feel confident to start working as a dog trainer thanks to CATCH.
A Word from Kristina’s Mentor:
It has been a while since I have worked with a student who has her natural ability, knowledge, drive and desire.
Way to go, Kristina, we’re so proud of you!