Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Michael Muscato of Altamont, New York. At the time of this posting, Mike is wrapping up his Master Class program and is about to graduate as a CATCH Certified Dog Trainer (CCDT). He has been doing an excellent job with his studies!
A Word from Mike

Mike with his two beautiful Goldens, Stanley, and Sidney.
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:
My favorite study topics are canine body language, how dogs think and learn, and behavior problem solving.
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
My favorite hands-on activity has been my training, and private lessons I have been assisting in each week. I am working with puppy class, manners class and even agility which is a lot of fun and a great workout! The other dogs that I really have enjoyed working with are the reactive ones. Understanding their body language is so important and while they may be a challenge, it is very important to me to help them acquire the skills to become a safe and well-rounded companion!.

Welcome to Mike’s newest student pup, Rizzo! She fits right in.
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
Going through the Master program with CATCH has given me a huge advantage observing other dogs for the very first time. I view them much differently and know that they are all unique in learning everything from A-Z. From basic behaviors to deeper issues, I am fully prepared to help them on a path to success. My 3 dogs Stan, Sid, and Rizzo have all benefited from this program!
What I’m Most Excited About:
I cannot say enough good things about my learning experience with CATCH. My program director Hillary has been there to answer every email and the many weekly calls I made. She is amazing! Moving forward, my plan is to work with as many dogs and their people as possible. This is the life I’ve chosen and I am ready to make a difference. Thank you CATCH!
Way to go, Mike, we’re so proud of you!