Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Nora Ruiz of Fort Worth, TX. At the time of this posting, Nora has just graduated from the Master Class and earned her CCDT certification title!
A Word from Nora

Nora and Dash, festive and ready for the season! The two “do everything together,” from training for marathons to picking up trash at a local lake, where he is “in charge” of fetching water bottles afloat. Years ago, after passing his K9 Good Citizen Test, they also volunteered at a local hospital. A dream team for sure!
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:
I was really interested in getting inside a dog’s mind, so my favorite topics of study were: Understanding Behavior and Body Language, How Dogs Think and Learn, and Behavior Problem Solving.
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
My favorite hands-on activities were those involved in the Dog Behavior Basics section because I got the chance to practice observing how my body language affected different dogs.
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
My learning experiences have definitely affected the way I look at my dog and other dogs. I am more aware of my own body language, the way that I feel and the tone of my voice, when I am training or just around dogs. I am also more aware of body language, behavior, and how dogs communicate.
What I’m Most Excited About:
The CATCH program was very challenging, but I have learned so much. I am so happy with my Program Director, Arminda. She and my husband were super supportive. Every time I started doubting myself, they would help me get my confidence back. My mentor, Diana, has taught, and continues to teach, me so much. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful team close to me. I am looking forward to continuing my education with CATCH by utilizing all the resources they offer.
Way to go, Nora, we’re so proud of you!