Featured Student
Our students are the future of dog training and the heart of our school.
That’s why we regularly take a moment to recognize one of our top aspiring trainers here.
Our Featured Student this month is Zane Brown of Atherton, California. At the time of this posting, Zane is about to complete his Master Class program and graduate as a CATCH Certified Dog Trainer (CCDT). Congratulations on all of your hard work and accomplishments!
A Word from Zane

Let’s take this show on the road!
My Favorite Recent Study Topics:
By far, one of my most favorite topics to study during my time here at CATCH is dog body language and vocalizations. It has helped me to better understand the interactions between my two dogs and keep them happy and healthy.
A close second is behavior problem solving! I love how it taught me how to really help dogs through behavior problems with patience, flexibility, and with the individual dog in mind.
My Favorite Recent Hands-On Activity:
My favorite hands-on activity so far has been in Phase 2, when I got to give signals to my dog and witness his responses. It was a really enlightening experience and gave me a greater understanding of how all the little things I do make a big difference to him. I really got to see the world from his perspective. Plus, it was fun to be able to act like a dog and have it be socially acceptable for once. 🙂

Zane and his student dog, Tuff.
How My Studies Have Changed the Way I See Dogs:
With my own dogs, I pay more attention to what their body language is telling me. I’ve learned how to interact with them better and make training sessions more effective. I can tailor what we’re doing more to their own speed and preference level and be confident that I am heading in the right direction. I can also more effectively help them through behavior problems they may be experiencing and get to the root of it more quickly.
Also, when watching my dogs play, I now know when it’s a good time for them to take a break in order to prevent arguments. I’m able to instantly recognize signs of healthy, fun interactions all thanks to the CATCH curriculum.
Concerning other dogs, it has definitely changed how I look at them. Everytime I see a dog when I am out and about, I now automatically observe their body language and posture and get a better idea of what their emotional state is. After learning through the awesome curriculum and program that is CATCH, it’s pretty automatic now. 🙂

Dog kisses make everything better!
What I’m Most Excited About:
All of the program advisors at CATCH Canine Trainer’s Academy are the best! They are extremely patient, encouraging, and there to help whenever you need it! They truly have the success of each individual dog and human pair in mind, that much is clear. After having gone through 2 programs with CATCH, I can safely say I have no doubts and no regrets about my choice to attend this first class school!!!!!
Way to go, Zane, we’re so proud of you!